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Department of Public Works (DPW)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Lead and Copper Rule Compliance:


The City of Ecorse is inspecting and replacing lead water service lines to comply with the Lead and Copper Rule. Below are answers to commonly asked questions to help you understand the process.

QI: What is a lead service line?
  • Answer: A lead service line is a pipe made of lead that connects your home to the water main in the street. Lead was commonly used in older homes built before 1988 but is no longer allowed because it can pose health risks.

Q2: Is the resident responsible for replacing their lead service line?
  • Answer: No, the property owner is not responsible for replacing their lead service line. If your service line is made of lead, it will be documented and placed on the City's replacement list. The City will begin replacing these lines in spring 2025.

Q3: How can I tell if I have a lead service line?
  • Answer: The only way to know for sure is through an inspection. If you received a letter, it means we need to check your service line. The City will let you know if your service line is made of lead after the inspection.

Q4: Will the DPW provide residents with lead-reducing filters?
  • Answer: The City itself does not distribute water filters, but Ecorse is part of the Faucet and Filter Safety Net Program. Eligible households can request lead-reducing filters, replacement cartridges, and other services. To qualify:
  • You must live in Ecorse (or another designated community).
  • Your household must include a Medicaid-enrolled child under 19 or a Medicaidenrolled pregnant person.
  • You must have (or suspect you have) lead or galvanized plumbing, a lead service line, or older faucets sold before 2014.
Services provided through the program include:
  • Home visits and visual plumbing assessments.
  • Lead-reducing filters and replacement cartridges.
  • Single faucet replacement if needed.
  • Assistance with signing up for the Medicaid Lead Abatement Program to address lead hazards in your home.
If you think you qualify, please fill out a Lead Services Application or contact the MDHHS Drinking Water Hotline at 844-934-1315 for assistance.

Q5: Will there be a cost for getting the water tested or pipes replaced?
  • Answer: No, there is no cost to the homeowner for water testing or the replacement of lead service lines. The City will replace the line from the water main to the meter at no charge to you.

Q6: Am I drinking lead if my water service line is made of lead?
  • Answer: Not necessarily. The City treats the water to reduce corrosion and minimize the risk of lead leaching into your water. However, lead can still get into water if the pipes corrode or if water sits in them for a long time. Use a lead-reducing filter, run cold water for a couple of minutes, and avoid using hot water from the tap for drinking or cooking.
Q7: I received a letter—does this mean I have a lead service line?
  • Answer: No, receiving the letter does not mean you have a lead service line. These letters were sent to all residents because we are required by law to inspect all service lines.

Q8: I live in a newly built home. Could I have a lead service line?
  • Answer: If your home was constructed after 1988, it is unlikely you have a lead service line. Lead was phased out of use after this time, but inspections are still required to ensure compliance.

Q9: Will my water be shut off during the inspection or replacement?
  • Answer: During the inspection, your water will not be shut off. If your service line is replaced, there may be a temporary interruption, but we'll notify you in advance.

QIO: How long will it take to replace my lead service line?
  • Answer: The replacement process usually takes a few hours, depending on the location and conditions. The City will coordinate with you to minimize inconvenience.
QII: Do I need to be home for the inspection or replacement?
  • Answer: You do not need to be home for the inspection if the service line can be accessed outside. For replacements, you may need to be home if the contractor needs access to the meter inside your house.

Q12: What happens if I do nothing?
  • Answer: If your service line is made of lead, it must be replaced to comply with the law and ensure safe drinking water. The City will handle the replacement, so you don't need to worry.

Q13: Is this going to raise my water bill?
  • Answer: No, replacing your lead service line will not affect your water bill. There is no cost to you for this replacement.

Q14: I don't see any work happening yet. When will the replacements start?
  • Answer: Lead service line replacements are scheduled to begin in spring 2025. The City will notify you when work is planned for your area.

For additional questions, please contact the City of Ecorse DPW ~ Joseph Kelley (

Priority Waste is your new Service Provider:

Was your garbage missed?  Contact Priority Waste directly at (586) 228-1200.




Priority-Waste Map Pickup Schedule

Department of Public Works

Wanda Jones
Phone (313) 294-3731
Fax (313) 386-4316

Office Hours: Monday – Friday
8:30 am - 4:30 pm

To Report a Water Main Break Contact:
(313) 294-3707

 Location: 2nd Floor City Hall South Wing

The Department of Public Works is responsible for the administration of trash collections services, water and sewer system maintenance, Ordinance enforcement, roadway maintenance, parks grounds and facilities maintenance, boat launch operations, special events and other projects. The DPW responsibilities are further described below:

Ordinance Enforcement

Upkeep of vacant lots and houses are the responsibility of the owner. If vacant properties are found in violation of the Blight or Noxious Weed Ordinances, the owner will receive a violation notice and the lot will be cut and/or cleaned at the owner’s expense. Complaints should be directed to the Code Enforcement Officer at (313) 436-4009 or DPW (313) 294-3731.

Roads/Parks & Grounds

The DPW is responsible for roadway maintenance such as repairing potholes, street sweeping, street signs, snow and ice control on streets, parking lots and City owned sidewalks, tree trimming and removals. Parks and grounds maintenance includes clean-ups of illegal dumping, park mowing, landscaping, fencing, bleachers, playground equipment, and other special projects.

Trash Collection

Trash should be placed at the curb by 7:00 am on your scheduled collection day or the night before.

Place all rubbish in the cans provided to you by the City. If you are a new resident and you don't have a can, please call the DPW. If you have any problems with damaged cans, please call the DPW as well. For missed pickups, please call Priority Waste at (586) 228-1200. Trash must be put out on the curb no earlier than 6 p.m. the day before your pickup. Trash purposely placed out late after the trucks have serviced the street will not be collected. 

Holiday Delays for Trash and Yard Waste

New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day

All pickups will be delayed by one day following these holidays. Friday collections will be on Saturday.

Yard Waste Collection

Yard Waste Service runs from the first full week in April to the last full week in November each year.

Yard Waste consists of grass clippings, leaves, garden debris, shrubs, brush & branch trimmings (under two (2) inches in diameter and no more than four (4) feet in length).

Use 20 to 32 gallon cans clearly marked “Yard Waste” or designated paper yard waste bags. Brush & branch trimmings (under 2 inches in diameter) may be tied in bundles (2 foot diameter x4 foot length).
Do not use plastic bags for yard waste.

**Last day for Compost (Leaves, Branches, & Brushes) will be posted when confirmed with Priority Waste 
Must Be:   4 feet length wrapped in bundles

Boat Ramp

The City Boat Ramp is open seasonally from April through October. The Ramp Fee/parking fee is $10.00 for a day pass.  There is a parking meter machine where you can pay cash or credit located to the left of the boat ramp. 

 Street cleaning Route is in the link below with a section map

Street Cleaning Route

Title VI Non Discrimination Plan

Click here to view the Title VI Non-discrimination plan.

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